Star Wars Identities – A lot of props and an RPG!

Star Wars Identities is an interactive exhibition running from the 16th of November 2018 to the 10th of June 2019 which features over 200 original Star Wars props and concept images and what I would consider to be an actually pretty good little role playing game within the exhibit.


First, you get your headset that plays various sound clips throughout, and a smart technology bracelet that you use to tap into the various role play character choice stations throughout.

A short video plays at the start of the exhibition explaining that you’ll discover things about Star Wars and create your own character that exists within the Star Wars universe.

The rest of the exhibit is filled with heaps of the props, the majority of them from the Original Trilogy with a very small smattering of Sequel Trilogy and Clone Wars stuff, with the rest of them being from the Prequel Trilogy.

My absolute favourite of these was the room filled with costumes from the Rebel side of the OT and a central display case of models of various OT ships with a smaller display with the Millennium Falcon at the end of the room. There were plenty of other displays though, with Stormtroopers, Droids (including BB-8, R2-D2 AND C-3PO) and a collection of Jedi costumes from the PT (I did not realise just how many head tails Kit Fisto had till I saw the costume.)


The highlight of the exhibition though was the RPG. You make a choice after your first video of what species you want to be (I picked Zabrak. Always been a fan of the horned peeps) and after that you make choices about how their lives go. What their job is, how they were raised, where they grew up, what is important to them and one of the huge things that happened in their life.

This is a really cool thing to do and it’s very near and dear to my heart as I’m a huge fan of the different Star Wars RPG video, tabletop and pen and paper games. Being able to make my own character, and have it distinctly be mine, feels really awesome.


If you’re in Sydney anytime between now and when the exhibition closes I would definitely recommend going in and taking a look. It is worth it for the props alone but the RPG makes it cooler.

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